
YNC belongs to these great networks:

Who Supports Us:

The YNC is grateful for the support of many great foundations, societies, and government departments that value natural history education: Nature Canada, Nature Nova Scotia, HRM Community Development Fund, the National Geographic Society, TD Friends of the Environment Foundation, Halifax Field Naturalists, NS Wild Flora Society, Blomidon Naturalists Society, the NS Habitat Conservation Fund, EcoAction, MEC, ParticipAction, WWF Go Wild, Wildlands Writers, Echo Foundation, the Sitka Foundation, as well as for in-kind support from: Nova Scotia Museum of Natural History, Nature Nova Scotia, Halifax Field Naturalists, Blomidon Naturalists Society, Nova Scotia Bird Society, Royal Astronomical Society of Canada – Halifax Centre, the NS Mycological Society, and the Atlantic Geoscience Society.

We’re also grateful for the support of our Great Blue Heron-level sponsors: Clayton Orthodontics and the Arthurs, Arruda, Bethune, Brazner, Evans, Hartman, Hennigar, Mandelker, Marshall, McDonald, Moore, Lundholm, Smith, and Veenema families.