A yearly membership to the Young Naturalists Club is $30 and gives your family:
Access to your chapter’s regular monthly events, which includes on average 10 events each year – field trips, hikes, and other outdoor and nature-focused events. At these events, you have access to natural history experts and are guided by YNC volunteers. These are fantastic opportunities for kids to learn about the species and ecosystems of Nova Scotia and for families to discover wild outdoor spaces.
Notification of family-friendly, nature-focused events led by other organizations. We have many partners and friends in the natural history world, and will let YNC families know of events led by other organizations that have a focus on the natural features of Nova Scotia, especially events that get kids active outdoors. For some events, like Nature Nova Scotia’s annual Celebration of Nature, YNC members may even get free or early-bird reduced pricing access!
Membership in our not-for-profit society, which includes voting privileges (one vote per family) at the YNC AGM. The YNC is an incorporated, not-for-profit society in Nova Scotia, with charitable status through the Canada Revenue Agency. Registered members have a say in the organization. And supporting our organization through membership means you are meaningfully supporting nature education for children in Nova Scotia. We are growing the next generation of nature-lovers!
Contact the YNC Coordinator, Marina at ynccoordinator@gmail if you would like to inquire about purchasing a mushroom guide. Also, keep an eye out on our Facebook page for news on YNC Market Booth pop-ups.